【Announcement】How to filter your feed! Works for both public/paid!

Haiii everyone!! Thank yew for becoming a member or visiting! >_< i'd like to announce how i'm going to be use my public feed & how to help you guys use tags for content filtering! soooo i dislike youtube for too many reasons to list here but there are no good alternatives for me so a workaround for my wishes will be to embed my youtube videos (both regular & asmr) here on my website! all members paid or free will be able to watch my public videos on my website. if you are a genuine supporter of mine especially if you interact with me through Twitch then please please please only use my website to watch my youtube videos! no need to go on youtube's website or even go there to subscribe & leave comments/likes. if you watch my videos through my website & leave comments/likes here instead it would help me A MILLION TIMES MORE!! i'd really really really appreciate if you choose to do what id prefer & just stick to my website for public videos. I prefer if those who watch me on youtube's site are people that don't use twitch & only stick with youtube. I wish for my genuine & interactive twitch supporters to stick to my website, please! i promise it supports me way more & its what i wish for. if you are a free member know that the public feed will mainly be my public videos & occasional announcements! 

Ok next topic is content mixing! I seperated my main regular channel content from asmr content because i have two different audiences & like 80% of people (as of writing this) who like my regular content have no interest in my asmr content & vice versa lol. however my supporters only website is intended for me to post all types of content i create & is best suited for those who like everything i do. despite this i do welcome those who are only interested in 1 type of content i create so if you are one of those people then i'd like to guide you on how to filter out content you don't want to see here! Follow these steps if you need a filter!

#1: when you click on my feed here you can use tags to filter your feed! i have an asmr & regular content tag. simply click on it & just like that whatever content you prefer will be whats shown & the content you don't want to see gets filtered out! the tags are located at the top of the page right above the feed posts. For advanced filtering click "Filters".

Content tags:

Asmr posts
this tag will show asmr videos, audios & asmr related images/posts (both paid & free)

Regular posts
this tag will show main channel videos & regular vtuber related posts (both paid & free). vtuber related posts are likely art dumps, live2d updates, etc. even though these posts (like model posts) would be used for asmr content as well since its not solely focused on asmr it will not be included in the asmr tag

self explanatory but diary style blog posts or photodumps/selfies of me from my camera roll :p out of cosplay, regular or cute dress ups when im in the mood to do that

Cosplay posts
another self explanatory tag ash irl stuff just in cosplay or posts related to cosplay :p

#2: you can manage your email notifications by clicking here! by default all public posts are emailed even if you are a paid member. if you are a person who only likes one type of content i make then you will likely want to disable your email notifications so the content you aren't interested in doesn't get emailed to you. if you disable your email notifications but still wish to be notified of content you want to see then you can go to my discord server & select a notification role for the content you wish to see! in my discord you can have a regular video notification role or an asmr video notification role.. or both if you like everything i do! get the roles in the #roles channel. by using discord instead of email you will successfully filter out content you arent interested in while still being notified of content you are interested in! if you are interested in both types of content you can keep your email notifications on and or use both discord roles as well to really stay up to date with everything i do! :3 by the way the discord regular / asmr roles are strictly for public videos. all paid members get pinged for any posts i make in their tier (asmr or regular) regardless of their preference. i'm sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone but you're free to still use your filtering options!